Thursday, April 06, 2006


Immigration Myth Number One

We Can't Deport 11 Million People, Says The Myth

Think about it! We have executed similar logistics problems in the past, especially in World War II. We then had over 10 million men in uniform, who had to be given boot camp, additional training, and to be shipped all over the US and the world.

Of course it cost money for the bases, the transportation, and the support of people. It took almost three years for our military to reach its peak, which was a remarkable feat. But it was done.

In fact, the deportation problem is far simpler logistically. We don't have to equip and arm the people, or build massive tank, aircraft or naval ships, and train men to use them. We merely have to establish processing bases around the country for the aliens, perhaps using old army bases for a start.

Transportation would be the key aspect.
We would have to supply a huge number of road, rail and air seat-miles over the maximum period of deportation. This was done in WWII by having troop aircraft, troop trains, and troop buses, as well as having military orders that acted as tickets for individual troops to travel on public transportation free.

There is a test of loyalty here. Those illegals who really desire to remain in the US could be gives such orders to report to a processing center. Actually reporting would be a very great plus for their hopes to stay in the US.

The processing centers would identify the illegals, provide them with papers that would be hard to forge (perhaps using biometrics), and would attempt to discover any criminal charges or undesirable behavior reports against them either in the US or in their home country.

The illegals would be offered a deal: To pay a fine of a thousand dollars for crossing the border without permission, which is a misdemenor; and to learn American English, American History, American traditions and ettiquite, and American Law, starting with the Declaration of Independence and the
Constitution, and proceeding to cover state and local law. Upon completiuon and satisfactory test scores for these subjects, they would become prospective citizens. In perhaps three or more years, they could become citizens, provided, however, there were no adverse reports on their behavior in this country. Failing these simple requirements, the illegals would be shipped home.

A second option would be to issue them green cards which would allow them to work in country for two years, after which they must return home.

Otherwise, those who refused the deals would immediately be transported to the border and released.

This part of the illegal immigration problem has a solution and a model for action. Thus it should not be a determining, go/no go factor in what solutions we consider.


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