Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Gun Controls

Gun Control Legislation

 Several law changes appear to be favorites by  legislatures, including: 1) Banning semi-automatic weapons;  2) A maximum of 10 rounds in Magazines; 3) Specifically banning rifles and carbines in the popular AR-15 configuration; 4) deeper background checks with Red Flag steps; and, 5) Restricting purchases of weapons to one per month.

 There are a number of objections to these projected laws:

·     It is the kliller at fault, not the weapon he uses.

·     The police cannot respond fast enough to a threat.

·     Cities with the most restrictive gun control laws have the most gun crimes.

·     Suicides will continue regardless of gun restrictions, simply by changing the method used.

·     Citizens, especially the elderly, will have fewer capabilities to defend themselves, in particular against the common type of breakins by an armed two or three-man team. In the rush to defend, many more rounds are needed simply because most citizens in panic mode cannot hit their targets accurately, using up their available ammo if restricted to ten rounds.

·     Deeper background checks will not be supported by the medical profession broadly and effectively, and a number of Red Flag events will become a tool of revenge, setting in motion false efforts.

·     Criminals will acquire and use banned guns despite all laws.

·     Then, of course, there is the Second Amendment to the Constitution, which seems to be ignored.

 One component of these efforts seems to be blind fear of guns instead of more rigorous logic in applying the laws.                     


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