Sunday, January 05, 2020


A Mania for Creating Worldviews!


I suppose I am really hung up on writing down all aspects of my personal worldview. After dwelling on it for some time, I stumbled into a novel idea: why do I do this? What has caused me to spend countless words and sentences on the concept of a worldview? Why hadn't I asked this question long ago? Mea culpa!

Turning my attention to this fundamental question that ought to have been asked earlier, I came up with the following rationale:

1. Writing down my worldview is a very satisfying discovery act of what I believe and what I should be able to articulate,

2. This effort assures that I work through and cover just about all of the main issues in life that concern me in a systematic way,

3. The written version then acts as cut-in-stone memory of my thoughts at a given time,

4. As things in this world evolve, the writing provides a framework with which to integrate the changes of my views in a logical manner, and to assess the impacts of changes more systematically across the spectrum of ideas,

5. One other significant use is to evaluate the candidates in an election by comparing their statements with my own ideas: of course, the closer to my ideas the better!

6. Finally, it is a worldview I can share with others as appropriate, and even use it to compare platforms of political parties, both with my worldview, and with those of the main parties to each other, given sufficient data.

The second question is, of course, what subjects should a well formed worldview cover to meet the above uses, and to what depth? (I will leave the issue of depth until later) Here is my basic list of subjects:

Health & Welfare
Natural Resources
Science, Engineering & Technology

Land, Sea, Air & Space/Cosmology
Foreign Nations
The UN
Other Treaties
The Media

The issue of depth is a bit harder to define. In a way it is up to the writer to determine what depth he is satisfied with to meet his uses. I certainly want to cover the main ideas within each subject to a level that allows me to understand their impact on my life, but not so far as to write myself to death! Truly, each of the above subjects can demand many books to cover them in an accurate and complete manner. I simply want to address the highlights and opinions of importance, and leave the details to the books that exist on each subject in my library.


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