Monday, August 10, 2015


The Dem Syndrome

Dime a Dozen

 I have had each of these obviously ignorant statements told to me in all seriousness by prospective voters. Some of these people were well educated and well off, too, which boggles my mind.

 1. My father and his father were Dems, so I am too.

2. All of my friends and coworkers are Dems, so I am too.

3. My union tells us to vote Dem, so I vote Dem.

4. Dems favor the poor and the middle class, so I vote Dem.

5. Dems to a man condemn the Repub party for all the sins of our society, so I vote Dem.

6. I didn't like G.W. Bush, so I will vote Dem.

7. I didn't like Regan either, so I will vote Dem.

8. I did like Bill Clinton, so I will vote for Hillary.

9. Even though I hate Obamacare, I will vote Dem.

10. Even though I believe we should fight ISIS on the ground also, I will vote Dem.

11. Even though the Dems are tax and spenders and our national debt is over 18.5 trillion dollars, I will vote for Dems.

12. We have a Repub governor that I do not like, so I will vote Dem.


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