Wednesday, December 29, 2010


ACLU Survey

Preliminary Results
Short versions of ACLU positions on some key controversial issues:

• Against the Death Penalty
• For Legalization of Drugs
• For Abortion
• Wants Illegals to have full government support
• Against many Military programs: Predator strikes
• For Open Borders
• For Same Sex Marriage
• For Bigamy and Polygamy
• For Pedophilia rights
• For Visas for Anti-American Foreigners
• For the right to disrupt military funerals
• For giving citizen rights to captured enemies
• Against parts of the Patriot Act
• Actively suing to remove religious symbols from public buildings and public property, based on the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

I am strongly opposed to each of these positions, and I am therefore anti-ACLU. My reasons for opposing these positions are still being formulated, but some of my thinking is quite obvious without going into details.

I accept the concepts of just killing and just war, which should be distinguished from murder as stated in the Decalogue.

I believe that in the case of murder, an eye for an eye is a just penalty. In the case of treason such acts jeopardize the existence and welfare of the nation, and therefore warrant the extreme penalty. I believe that in egregious cases of forcible rape, the extreme penalty is warranted.

The concept of legalizing drugs has one great benefit: the destruction of drug cartels and their distribution networks. However, with dangerous drugs readily available on the market, there would be a rush to try them out, thus creating a new generation of users, with all of the attending problems. No one can say how long this transitional spree would last, thus placing many thousands of our youth in great jeopardy for long periods.

Since I believe that each life begins at conception, I believe that abortion is murder and must therefore be prohibited. Every fetus carries all of the gene information and processes needed to grow a person, given the proper environment and nourishment, and should be accorded the status of a proto-person that cannot be murdered by abortion. I also believe that there are a few strict exceptions to this rule: triage to save the mother’s life; and rape, which is forced conception, and hence is a just killing.

I believe in the sovereignty of the nation and its borders. I do not believe in allowing all and sundry to enter the nation at their whim. What isn’t understood about the illegal status of certain foreigners? Are we a nation governed by laws or not?
I do not want to have my taxes continually raised to support a growing flood of illegal foreigners.

We have failed to create a satisfactory temporary worker program, or a temporary visitor program that polices the return dates, or an employer monitoring program for hiring illegals. We must do these things.

The legal benefits of same sex marriage can be obtained through contract law, making this putsch strictly an attempt to force citizens to recognize and accept gays as ordinary citizens and to allow them all of the benefits and rights of marriage. Marriage is traditionally between a man and a woman, and it should stay that way. Ultimately, I must consider gays to be outside the norm of society, but able to exercise the rights of citizenship but not the right to force us to ignore the teachings of the Bible on homosexuality.

As for bigamy and polygamy, it is illegal throughout the nation, but not enforced in Mormon enclaves. I do not challenge this illegality for the majority of citizens in most states, and I would be against propagating such pro bigamy laws further.

I believe that war is a dirty yet reoccurring necessity that must be fought to win in each case. I also believe that we must be militarily strong as all times for obvious reasons.

It is an abomination and a shame that some people want to desecrate the funerals of our soldiers, or limit grave marker types of a religious nature.

I believe that we are in a war with parts of Islam, especially the Muslim Brotherhood, and its active arms, the jihadist groups in many countries. They declared this war on us, and have inflicted major casualties on both our civilian and our military people for years.

We are fighting against men that wear no uniforms, are not officially sanctioned as soldiers, and therefore have no rights as soldiers. The Geneva conventions do not apply, either. We therefore have the right to hold these captives until the war ends, in Guantanamo or elsewhere.

We must protect our homeland from insidious attacks from within. However, excessive use of force, or violation of citizen’s rights must not happen. Warrantless entry must be reserved for egregious cases and must be carefully monitored by the court.

Suing to remove historic religious symbols of Christianity from public display that have been in place for decades is an overzealous, unnecessary, weak, and vindictive application of the establishment clause and it reflects a nasty and unfair bias against the Christian religion, and no other.

There should be no legal objection for other religions to display their symbols if they are in keeping with the current aesthetic standards and space allocations for the sites. However, some such displays can be expected to cause civil unrest and even civil disobedience in some parts of the nation.

It is highly probable that maintaining the status quo affects the fewest citizens, mainly those few that have made this an issue after decades of observing such displays with no protest. I fail to see how most displays of religious symbols do any actual harm to anyone, if they even give passing notice to the symbols at all. Then, too, their own religion or non-religion should be strong enough to withstand walking or riding by a tasteful plaque depicting the Ten Commandments, or the Star of David, or even the Islamic Crescent, for instance.

I oppose the removal of prayer in our schools on the grounds that non-religious or other religious people can be accommodated in the schools in different locations at prayer time to perform whatever prayer or other activity they wish. No harm no foul. Besides, I fail to see the harm in being exposed to Christian prayers. Isn’t the student’s faith strong enough to shut out the Christian prayer message in any event if he so desires?

Sources: website,



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