Tuesday, March 08, 2016


The Social, Secular and Progressive Dream State

The dream state of Clinton and Sanders

Free medical care for all throughout life

Free college education for all

Out of work allowance of 75% of last pay

Housing mortgage at an interest rate of 3% or less

Car loans at an interest rate of 3% or less

Get ready for school allowance of $300 each fall

Clothing allowance of $400 per year per person in household

Vacation time of six weeks per year.

Unlimited paid sick leave as determined by the doctor

Disability pay of 75% of last salary

Nine days of holidays per year

Rehabilitation leave all expenses paid to a vacation area at doctor's orders of two weeks

Vacation pay of $1,000 per adult in the family

A minimum wage of $20 per hour

Guaranteed ten years of employment once hired


The only question is: who is going to pay for all of this largess?

By 2020 the entire revenue per year from taxes will be absorbed by entitlements and interest on the national debt, so the goodies above must be covered by additional taxes, estimated to be at least a trillion or so dollar's worth.

Similar goodies used to be paid out by the Dutch government in the 1980's, and it was glorious for the lower classes, but very hard on the middle and upper classes, who paid from 62% to 93% taxes on their salary and income to carry the load. When hard times came, most of these goodies were terminated because they were simply unaffordable.



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