Sunday, November 06, 2005


Paris Burning (or should it be: France Burning?)

More Muslims in France Rioting and Becoming Radicalized

Yes, all over France Muslim youth are rioting. The French police, for all of their 2,500 men deployed, have not been effective in shutting the riots down. They are using minimal force in their attempts to quell the rioting, and as far as one can surmise, the rioters are not responding to police threats, nor are they responding to the pleas of their Muslim elders who have tried to put a lid on the violence. The police cannot be everywhere in force, as the rioters seem to know very well, so they scoot around to ever more new neighborhoods to wreck their vengence on innocent French citizens and their property.

I do wish the police well in their attempts, but I fear that they are merely putting fingers in the dike to hold back the tide. The next phase may have the French Army being called out in force to round up the rioters, and put them behind bars to await trial. If the rioters continue to escalate their response, and to open fire on police and soldiers, there will be a bloodbath.

French citizens have been voicing the idea of ad hoc neighborhood defense groups or private militia to protect their families and their property. If this comes about, and I believe it will in a few places, there will most probably be bloody clashes between the rioters and the civil militias. This will fan the rioters even more, and the citizens extrodinarily more, leading to larger and more deadly encounters.

France, tonight, is burning.


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