Tuesday, August 02, 2005


British Police Terrorist Policy

Act Like a Bomber and be Killed

Recently, a team of British police were chasing a man they suspected of being a terrorist through the streets of London and down into an Underground station. They caught up with him, tackled him to the ground, and then shot him in the head five times. They have instituted a policy regarding potential bomber threats not to take chances if they believe it is possible that they are dealing with a bomber. They shoot for the head in order to prevent the suspect from detonating a bomb.

In this case, tragically, there was no bomb. However, the man was a Brazilian that was illegally overstaying his visa, which is why he was runnng from the police. There is some question as to whether he had on a jacket or coat that would hide a bomb.

Immediately, I asked myself if this was a fair and just policy.

From any point of view, the taking of a life is a grave matter. It is even graver if the taking is not as a result of conviction for a high crime by a court, but rather by an officer on the scene.
Under the circumstances, however, there is no question in my mind that the police were acting properly within their guidelines, and could well have saved many lives had the suspect been carrying a bomb. It is terribly sad that the only crimes in this case were the illegality of the man's passport and stay in Britain, and the running from the police after being told to stop many times.

But the fault lies with this man entirely. If you look like a bomber, act like a bomber, talk like a bomber, respond to police like a fugitive, and run away from the police into a crowded public place, you have just sealed your death warrant. Had the man stopped in an open area, threw up his arms and helped the police to determine that he was not carrying a bomb, he would be alive today.

I trust that this policy has been given sufficient press in Britain so that everyone knows the death-dealing possibilities if they make foolish, terrorist-like moves in public.


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