Thursday, June 16, 2005


The Middle East Challenge – II

US Obligations

We are committed to the support of Israel in the event of an attack. The US finances Israel yearly. This will not change.

We have supported the new Palestinian government, and the idea of a Palestinian state side by side with Israel.

We have close working relationships with Kuwait, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf States.

We are committed to the reconstruction of much of Iraq, and to the support of the new government until it can defend itself.

We support Egypt financially to the tune of 50 billion dollars a year. This investment is questionable, to say the least.

We have an arrangement with Uzbekistan for use of bases – details not known.

We have a NATO partner in Turkey to the North, but Turkey did not allow us to transit the 4th Armored division through their country to Iraq. We do have airbases in Turkey. Since Turkey is questionable they must be considered carefully and consulted in any plans we make. They have earned a penalty.

We have no working arrangements with Iran or Syria of any real importance, to my knowledge. Business arrangements for oil exploration, drilling, production management and purchases are in place for Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, The Gulf States and Saudi Arabia.

Suggested US Policies

1. Promotion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East. Maintain the pressure for reforms across the board. Use economic pressure where possible. Use military presence as a form of indirect pressure.

2. Maintain a substantial Strike Force and Special Operations Force in Iraq and in the Straits for the foreseeable future, in addition to our peacekeeping forces. Build large permanent installations for US troops, training, and equipment, and for the Air Force, and Navy.

3. Be prepared to engage Iran or Syria or both in the event of their making hostile moves. Continue all forms of intelligence gathering.

4. Support the walling off of Israel from Palestine. Support the honest proposals from either Israel or Palestine to end the conflict and establish a Palestinian State. Be prepared for yet another breakdown in Israel-Palestine relations and the tentative cease-fire.

5. If the Iranian government flatly refuses to cease development of weapons grade plutonium, consult with our partners in the Proliferation Security Initiative about further steps. Be prepared in the ME area to perform limited strikes on nuclear facilities in that event, and be prepared for any retaliation. Consider the testing of nuclear weapons by Iran a hostile action. Coordinate this with Israel.

6. If the Iranian situation is taken to the UN, first, be certain to maintain our freedom of action under the self-defense provision of the charter. There should be a UN ultimatum with a short time limit given to Iran at the outset, not limited sanctions as was tried in Iraq, together with a "whatever means necessary to enforce the ultimatum" clause. Mere sanctions provably do not work.

(to be continued)

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