Wednesday, December 21, 2005


ID Renamed

Intelligent Design Theory Versus Boundary Theory

There is much to be said for calling a theory by a neutral name. Intelligent Design is not a neutral designation at all. It draws fire before the fact. Perhaps that is fine with the defenders of ID, but it precludes ID from getting a fair hearing. So I am going to suggest a name that hopefully allows for assimilation of ID ideas before ranting.
In fact, ID work is focused on the holes in Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Attacks on Darwin's theory have not been successfully answered by its scientific proponents, but they discard or sneer at ID simply on the basis of its name. Thus they arrogantly proclaim that ID is not science, which is by their definition of science very true. Problem is, they define science as excluding ID or God, thus making their tautology correct. So let us find a name for ID that doesn't evoke God, or ID. My first candidate is:

Boundary Theory: Exploring the natural bounds of origin of life using scientific methods. What lies within the bounds of natural science, Darwinian evolution, and speciation, and what must lie without the bounds of possibility.


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