Wednesday, December 21, 2005


The Democratic Vision

Leftists Have This Dream
(Not necessarily in order of implementation or importance):

Rule by fiat from the courts and the President
Abortion on demand confirmed forever
Gay marriage
Hate Crimes Law, and PC rules enforced
Full secularization of the US, denial of Christianity, Crosses taken down everywhere
Atheism reigns
Loss of sovereignty to the UN
Greater payments to the UN by triple
UN given command of a significant multinational combat force thatwe pay for
Bureaucratic takeover by Leftists, three deep into the hierarchy
Porno and prostitution legalized everywhere

Censoring all books, magazines, newspapers, TV radio for PC: no free press
Rule changes to permit three or more elections for the President—perpetuation
Rule changes to limit conservative votes in the Congress
Raised taxes to pay for Leftist largess at home and worldwide
Upper bracket taxpayers hit with surtax of 50%, excepting Liberals
Corporations hit with surtaxes of 30% to pay for socialized medicine
Move to nationalize the Mainstream Media, beginning with the largest
Move to nationalize energy companies, telecoms companies and transportation companies.
Move to nationalize the auto industry, the aircraft industry and the military industry

Redistricting to favor progressives in every state
Strict gun controls, followed by confiscation of all guns in civilian hands.
Reduction of the military by 60%, and cut out of all new weapons systems
Full federal government control of education in all states; progressive curriculum
Government takes over the raising and education of all children
Private schools placed under federal laws: home schooling forbidden
Socialistic government laws passed; multiple party system set up
Acceptance of the world court, and subordination of our judiciary to the tenets of that court

Open borders and welcoming to all who want to come here.
Loyalty oath to the UN, not the US.
Move towards fascism apparent
Freedom is severely curtailed, but not for Liberals
Expanded welfare programs by hundreds of billions of dollars per year-buying votes
Nationalized/socialized medicine—free, if you can wait long enough.
States rights curtailed in favor of central federal government
Federalization of the court systems in the states
Convention called to rewrite the Constitution to make us a fully Socialist nation.
Personal property is tagged to be jointly held by the person and the state.
Thus a personal property payment to the state as an investor ( a tax) of at least 25% of market value is assessed.

I go to watch from on high, or from below, whichever!

Thus our Constitution and our body of law is to be striken from the records, to be replaced by a nation run by Leftist/Socialist ideologues, the average citizen stripped of his property rights, and corporations taxed out of existence or taken over by the government. Sounds very like the USSR to me!


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