Friday, April 22, 2005


Some Statements on Foreign Policy

Summary vs Total Explication

Commenter Tom suggested that I made sweeping statements on Foreign Policy, and should put more details into my post, "else I would be thought a whiner" in so many words. Well, all of that may be true, if pleading for a rational foreign policy from a conservative point of view to a State Department manned largely by Leftist FSOs, who have their own agenda, never mind that of the Administration they are supposed to support.

However, in posting my feelings about a number of aspects of our policy, and what I think about it, I do not see the necessity for either justifying my positions in detail in a broad first commentary, nor in documenting the thoughts of others about the same positions. After all, it is my blog, and my thoughts from a conservative view. This is particularly so when the subjects covered are extensive, and do leave room for additional explication if and when I get around to it. If anyone can show more detail than I did in a few paragraphs in a single post on the following list of subjects, my hat is off to them:

The cold war and its end
Accusing the US of empire building
The common American's view of empire building
Desires for peace and tranquility
Free trade
Promotion of democracy
Pax Americana
The War with Islam
The Coming Loss of Europe to Muslims
The UN as a fiasco
NATO as ending
The EU as hopless
One Language
Border control
Sovereignty of the US
What Leftist Want ( this alone would take me several pages, plus references to papers such as the Humanist Manifesto, which outlines how we should become subservient to the UN or a World Government)
Why No Attack Since 9/11

What I posted was a Summary of conservative stands on these matters, from my point of view. To be more explicit and detailed will take time and effort later. If that is whining, so be it. I don't think so, Tom!


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