Thursday, April 21, 2005


Principles of Conservatism: Some Aspects of Foreign Policy

Are You With Us?

We have found ourselves standing as the lone survivor of the Cold War with a premier economy, a strong military, and a worldwide presence. Daily we are accused of being empire builders and a threat to the rest of the world. Only we seem to know that we have no ambitions or plans to rule the world. No one in their right mind would have such an ambition. Who needs any part of the screaming, squabbling, ratty-tatty, obnoxious world to run? We don’t!

We do want peace and tranquility, and the ability to trade and travel freely throughout the world without terrorists or wars to plague us. It is natural for us to promote democracy wherever we can, and even to spend our men’s blood and much of our treasure to do so when it is timely. We do want a Pax Americana, but without the trappings of an empire.

But we are in a great conflict whose real outlines few are willing to accept yet. That conflict is between Islam on one side and Christianity and the US on the other. It is a war we cannot and must not lose, or there will be no more America to love and support, and no more sterling society for our children to inherit. Many other countries do not see the situation as we do, even as their own populations are growing with Muslims at a frightful pace, such as all of Europe, sad to say.

Europe may well be lost to a Muslim majority within a few dozen years, and there is little we can do about that. Europe must save itself this time. Twice we have saved them from tyranny and oppression. I believe there will be no third time in this instance, since it would be an internal kind of revolution, and no one wants to conquer Europe again to save it from the Muslims. So good luck to you, Europe, I hope you can survive under Muslim rule! Your multiculturalism will be your downfall. Just a reminder: you must sign up to Islam, or be beheaded.

We are seeing the demise of NATO as a viable organization, and the EU is laughable in its unwieldy attempts to merge 23 European countries into one super-nation. I think it will not survive more than a dozen years itself. It is culturally and economically incompatible all the way through! If Turkey is admitted, the door will be open for a super-flood of Muslim migrants.

The UN has proven to be a fiasco as well, with scandal after scandal rocking its members, particularly the US. We have lost faith in the UN, and consider it merely a debating society, plus a few good sub-organizations, perhaps.

Free trade is being pushed aside at every turn because of the inherent difficulties of reconciling the economies of 140 nations. It is too hard for the EU, who have raised tariffs to protect their far fewer members from economically superior producers. Most European governments now spend about half of their tax receipts on farm subsidies, and will soon be obligated to spend much of the rest to make good on their economics-be-damned socialistic promises. This isn’t something that can last.

America is a proud and free country, and we want it to stay that way. Thus, we do not want to give away any of our sovereignty to the UN. Not one little bit of it. Further, we want to gain control of our borders to stop illegal entry cold. There is nothing wrong with immigration as such, it is the flooding of the nation with illegals who do not obey our laws and do not act as good guests that we abhor. It is the cry for duality or plurality of language that makes us shudder and think we are being divided and duped into becoming a quasi-Latin state. English is the language of America.

How is it that many people on the Left think we would be better off under a World Government? Do they really believe that adding a layer of laws on top of our laws, a layer of culture on top of our culture, and a layer of management corruption on a scale we can never comprehend will make us more free? It is very doubtful. They simply want our money.

Meanwhile, we must pay four times what we do now for the privilege? I think not! Just imagine if the vote of Kenya and each of the rest of the African dictatorships was worth just as much as the vote of the US on vital matters. Do Kenyans ( or any other country) have a finely tuned sense of fairness for what happens in the US? I don’t believe so. It is sheer nonsense.

While I believe we should go it alone if necessary, it is also helpful if we have allies who will stand with us. Australia is a good example of that. So is Poland. And so is the UK in the case of Iraq, even when the populace has been turned against us. A not insignificant part of that is due to the Muslim population of the UK. Many voices against the government and the US.

President Bush has it exactly right: you are either with us or against us. France, Spain, Germany, Russia, and China are against us. Too bad for them. The scions of communism band together. France’s wine industry is suffering now, partly because of our boycotting their wines, but also because of over-production. I wonder whether German beers have fallen in popularity too?

We are not competing in a popularity contest for world acclimation, much to the chagrin of the Left. What we are doing is fighting a war of survival. Countries that go against us will sorely miss our aid and succor in their times of distress. They will miss American trade and tourist dollars too.

Countries that actively fight us will be lucky not to have their cities turned into a heap of fused silicon, especially those who acquire the nuclear bomb and threaten its use against us. Definitely so if they actually do set off one in America. Which brings me to another point. Why haven’t we had another terrorist attack?

One realistic idea is that Osama ben Laden and his crowd have come to the conclusion after our successful Afghanistan and Iraqi invasions, that we can and will fight, and we have the power and will to do so. Plus, another factor is that if we did suffer a large attack, a devastating loss of life and limb, such as a nuclear bomb over New York City, the American people would demand revenge, we would volunteer for service as a man, and would go after all of the Middle East – Iran, Syria, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Egypt – all but those friendly Gulf States that have supported us. This time they would be occupied and under martial law for an indefinite period.

Thus by succeeding with an attack, OBL would have lost the entire Arabian area to the US. I think he sees this, and has held off. He reads the temper of the American public very well. The nihilistic Left would be totally suppressed by a second catastrophe, so there would be little or no opposition to a thorough military response. Such an act would thus provoke us to move out smartly and massively to finish off the fight, rather than standing pat after the Iraqi situation has been stabilized, and waiting for a bomb or biochemical attack to occur here.

If you are going to offer commentary on foriegn relations you would do well to offer fewer sweeping statements and more substantial facts. Otherwise, you just sound like a whiner.
Perhaps I should point out that the beginnings of a commentary, in order not to take ten or twenty posts, is not likely to cover substantial ground in detail, but rather to make sweeping high-level atatements simply to set the stage for more details at a later time.
Thank you for your comment. M

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