Friday, March 04, 2005


The Real Name of This Group is: Communists!

Troubling questions for you and me!

Why does every action of the US draw the fire of Leftists in our midst…in our cities and the Left Coast, in all of the Blue areas?

Why does every action of the Russians, and the USSR before them, NOT draw fire from Leftists (calling themselves Progressives)?

Why do Leftists support literally every nostrum that would tear down the fabric of American society? Legalized drugs, for instance.

Why is the family subverted and held as antiquated and defunct?

Why do Leftists want us to fail in Iraq?

Why do Leftists want complete gun control? Is it because an armed citizenry would be far harder to overthrow?

Why did Leftists oppose American intervention in Nicaragua, Panama, Grenada, Somalia, and Afghanistan too?

Why do leftists support emasculating the CIA?

Why do Leftists support reducing the Armed Forces to a shadow of what they should be, and must be?

Why do Leftists support such activities as suing school systems over prayer, and forbidding the display of Christian symbols and phrases (and not others) in public places? Their cynical atheism and desire to wreck the religious underpinnings of the citizens is the reason. Over 85% of the citizens of the US are Christian. On what grounds are we letting these Moonbats attack Christianity?

Why are we faced every day with activist judges who are subverting the Constitution with their decisions and fiats? What is their agenda for us? Why are they applying international criteria in interpreting law in America?

Why are our children not taught American History truthfully and competently? Or any other subject for that matter! Math and science are taught by those who don’t know the subjects. How to think is not taught, rather rote memorization of anti-American facts or how to put on a condom seems to be the norm in many schools.

Why are our colleges dominated by Leftwing Moonbats?

Why are there Politically Correct speech codes on university campuses?

Why are we still supporting the UN? It isn’t a peacekeeping force. It is a bunch of thieves. It is a bunch of sexists. It is by majority a collection of nations that should not have any say in what we do. “One nation: one vote” is a prescription for disaster for the US.

How is it that at least 48% of voters bought into the Kerry anti-pro-anti-pro “nuanced”, flip flop approach to everything, while he was voting in the Senate with a record of perfect Far-Left Liberal positions? Do the Democratic voters believe that the President could be “controlled” once in office? I doubt it!

Taken as a whole, these attacks on our moral values, our religions, our education, our children, our form of government and our foreign policies add up to, not merely anti-Americanism, but to full agreement with the Marxist/socialist mantra of subversion of America from within. Marx clearly stated that we must tear down the old societies and their institutions in order to rebuild Communist societies -- everywhere.

He also said that one must pass through a period of totalitarianism to be able to install socialism by authority. We know with great certainty that this is the big stumbling block to achieving a utopian society. The elite do not relinquish their power, once they have obtained it. Yet we appear to stand by here in America and let these people have their way. They hide behind the Constitution as they plot its demise. And, oh yes! They hide behind the label Progressive. (as in the Progressive Communist Party).

By chipping away piecemeal at our institutions, our traditions, our systems for education, and our government, the Leftists have succeeded beyond their dreams in subverting us. Moral relativism is rampant when animal activists equate raising and killing chickens with the killing ovens of the Holocaust.

When a Liberal agonizes publicly because he sees his individual freedoms being constrained by law, it isn’t a bleeding heart reaction to the effects of such restrictions on you and me. He is reacting because it comes closer to stopping him and his ilk from achieving the ultimate Liberal agenda for us all: Communism, with them, the (Liberal) (Progressive) Communists, in control.

I intend to explore in follow-on writings what individuals can do to stop this movement toward Neocommunism in the USA.


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