Tuesday, March 29, 2005


A Clear Condemnation

From The Australian:
A Question by Cardinal George Pell, Archbishop of Sydney

“Lately there has been interest in the possibility of "Islamic democracy". These descriptors do not simply refer to how democracy might be constituted, but to the moral vision democracy is intended to serve. This is especially true in the case of secular democracy, which some insist is intended to serve no moral vision at all.

But think for a moment what it means to say that there can be no other form of democracy than secular democracy. Does democracy need a burgeoning billion-dollar pornography industry to be truly democratic? Does it need an abortion rate in the tens of millions? Does it need high levels of marriage breakdown, with the growing rates of family dysfunction that come with them? Does democracy (as in Holland's case) need legalised euthanasia, extending to children under the age of 12? Does democracy need assisted reproductive technology (such as IVF) and embryonic stem cell research?

Does democracy really need these things? What would democracy look like if you took some of these things out of the picture? Would it cease to be democracy? Or would it actually become more democratic?”

My opinion is that the USA has been a democratic republic since its foundation, but the modern failings in our society due to leftist ideas, such as is fostered by secular humanism and the left wing of the Democratic Party, have damaged us terribly. We do need to return to the fundamentals on which this nation was based, and clear away the useless and dangerous concepts the left, including activist judges, has hung around our necks.


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